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Ofuji papuloerythroderma evolving to cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Authors:ML Martí  nez-Barranca&dagger  ,MA Muñ  oz-Pé  rez&dagger  ,I Garcí  a-Morales&dagger  ,JL Ferná  ndez-Crehuet&dagger  ,J Segura&dagger  ,F Camacho&dagger  
Affiliation:Department of Dermatology, Hospital Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, Spain.
Abstract:Ofuji papuloerythroderma is an uncommon entity of unknown aetiology, characterized by a pruritic eruption of widespread, red–brown, flat papules that leads to spare skin folds. A number of cases have been described associated with tumour pathology, mainly cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas. We report a new case of Ofuji papuloerythroderma evolving to cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma in an 85‐year‐old woman who had been previously diagnosed with papuloerythroderma 7 years previously.
Keywords:cutaneous T-cell lymphoma    Ofuji papuloerythroderma
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