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The prognostic value of oncogenic antigen 519 (OA-519) expression and proliferative activity detected by antibody MIB-I in node-negative breast cancer
Authors:Vibeke Jensen,Morten Ladekarl,Peter Holm-Nielsen,Flemming Melsen,Flemming Brandt S&#x  rensen
Affiliation:Vibeke Jensen,Morten Ladekarl,Peter Holm-Nielsen,Flemming Melsen,Flemming Brandt Sœrensen
Abstract:The prognostic value of oncogenic antigen 519 (OA-519) expression and tumour proliferative activity was evaluated in a retrospective series of 118 patients with low-risk breast cancer. Low risk was defined as negative axillary nodes, tumour diameter ?50 mm, and no histological evidence of invasion of skin or deep fascia (=T1N0M0 and T2N0M0). The median follow-up time was 104 months (range 5–143 months). Immunohistochemical analysis of OA-519 expression was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. The proliferative activity was estimated using a Ki-67 equivalent monoclonal antibody (MIB-1), which is applicable on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue after microwave pretreatment. OA-519 was expressed in about one-third of the tumours and the percentage of proliferating cells (the MIB-1 index) ranged between 1 and 72 per cent (median 17 per cent). Using multivariate Cox analysis, both the MIB-1 index and OA-519 expression were of independent prognostic value (2p?0·01), and the combined immunohistological approach may therefore be useful in selecting patients with node-negative breast cancer who might benefit from adjuvant therapy.
Keywords:breast carcinoma  Ki-67  monoclonal antibodies  node-negative  oncogenes  prognosis  proliferation
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