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Spontaneous mutation of the lacI transgene in rodents: absence of species, strain, and insertion-site influence
Authors:Zhang S  Glickman B W  de Boer J G
Affiliation:Centre for Environmental Health, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Comparison of spontaneous mutation spectra derived from different transgenic constructs can provide valuable insights for interpreting the mechanisms of spontaneous mutation. In this study, spontaneous mutation frequencies and spectra of the lacI transgene are compared in the liver of C57BL/6, B6C3F1, and BC-1 mice and F344 rats. Before correction for clonal expansion, the mutant frequency varied from 2.6 +/- 0.45 to 5.0 +/- 2.4 x 10(-5). Correction for potential clonal expansion reduced the range in mutation frequency to between 2.3 +/- 0.45 and 3.5 +/- 2.0 x 10(-5). There is thus no statistical difference in spontaneous mutation frequency between the different strains and species. G:C --> A:T transitions and to a lesser extent, G:C --> T:A transversions dominate the mutational spectra in all of these animals. In three strains of mice, G:C --> A:T transitions account for 50.7-53.3% of mutation, 81.7-83.8% of which involve CpG sites, whereas G:C --> T:A transversions account for 17.8-32.9% of mutations with 43.2-50.0% found at CpG sites. In rats, G:C --> A:T transitions account for 38.0% of the spectra, 70.0% of which involve CpG sites, whereas G:C --> T:A transversions account for 23.0% of the spectra, 70.0% of which involve CpG sites. The distribution of other classes of mutations is also very similar. We conclude that, despite reports about species and strain differences in induced mutation, spontaneous mutations in the lacI transgene appear to be similar, regardless of genomic location, rodent strain, or species. In addition to insights into spontaneous mutation, this study also provides essential data for comparison with and interpretation of induced mutations.
Keywords:lacI transgene  spontaneous mutation  different rodent species
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