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Esophageal sarcomatoid carcinoma: report of a case with morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular study
Authors:Regragui Asmaa  Lakhdar Hind  Abderrahman Alaoui Belabbas Moulay  Amrani Meryem  Gamra Lamia  Alaoui Belabbas Mohamed
Affiliation:Institut National d'Oncologie Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Rabat, CHU Ibn Sina Rabat. asmalinabil@yahoo.fr
Abstract:Sarcomato?d carcinoma is a rare tumor of the esophagus, characterized macroscopically by a polypoid aspect and histologically by the association of spindle cell carcinoma with sarcomatous pleomorphic component. We report here a case of esophagus sarcomato?d carcinoma. Diagnosis was based on immunohistochemical analysis of tIssue samples. Human papillomavirus (HVP) detection by PCR amplification of DNA extracted from tumoral tIssue was negative, ruling out the role of HPV infection in this tumor.
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