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Cribado combinado para la detección de trisomía 21 en el primer trimestre de la gestación. Impacto sobre la tasa de procedimientos invasivos de diagnóstico prenatal tras 5 años de implementación
Authors:Ana Gó  mez Manrique,Leopoldo José   Abarca Martí  nez,Sergio Á  vila Padilla,M. Concepció  n Villaló  n Villarroel,José   Miguel Garcí  a Sagredo,Manuel Repollé  s Escarda
Affiliation:1. Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, España;2. Servicio de Bioquímica y Análisis Clínicos, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, España;3. Servicio de Genética, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, España


To assess the effectiveness of first-trimester combined screening in the prenatal detection of Down syndrome after 5 years of use in our hospital and its impact in reducing invasive diagnostic tests.

Material and methods

The risk of fetal chromosomal anomalies was assessed in 10,669 pregnancies with first-trimester combined screening between May 2006 and December 2010. The cut-off to indicate an invasive diagnostic test was 1/270. The amniocenteses performed between 2005 and 2010 were also analyzed.


The detection rate of screening for trisomy 21 was 90% and the false-positive rate was 3.56%. In pregnant women aged 35 years or more, the detection rate was 96.7%. In 2005 there were 496 amniocenteses. In 2010, 5 years after the introduction of screening, 148 amniocenteses were performed, representing a 70% reduction in invasive procedures.


The introduction of combined screening in our environment has proven effective for the detection of trisomy 21 and has substantially reduced the use of invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures. The use of advanced maternal age as an isolated criterion to indicate invasive techniques to study fetal karyotype should be questioned if high-quality universal screening is to be offered.
Keywords:Cribado combinado en el primer trimestre   Diagnó  stico prenatal   Edad materna   Procedimientos invasivos   Trisomí  a 21
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