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Effects of Dopexamine on Lipid Peroxidation During Aortic Surgery in Pigs: Comparison with Dopamine
Authors:G. Kostopanagiotou   A. Pandazi   I. Andreadou   A. Doufas   I. Chondroudaki   T. Kotsis   D. Rizos   C. Costopanagiotou  V. Smyrniotis
Affiliation:2nd Department of Anaesthesiology, School of Medicine, Attikon Hospital, University of Athens, Chaidari, GR-12462 Athens, Greece.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: We investigated the dose-related effect of dopexamine and dopamine on free radical production and lipid peroxidation estimated by MDA measurements in an ischaemia-reperfusion model of supraceliac aortic repair. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, blinded experimental study. MATERIALS: Twenty-five healthy pigs. METHODS: All experiments were performed under general endotracheal anaesthesia. Supraceliac aortic cross clamping was performed in all pigs. The pigs were randomly assigned into five groups (n=5 in each group) and received a continuous intravenous infusion of normal saline (CTL), dopamine 2 microg kg(-1)min(-1) (dopa 2), dopamine 8 microg kg(-1)min(-1) (dopa 8), dopexamine 2 microg kg(-1)min(-1) (dopex 2), dopexamine 8 microg kg(-1)min(-1) (dopex 8). Cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, arterial blood gas analysis and blood sampling for plasma MDA measurements (to reveal lipid peroxidation) were recorded after induction of anaesthesia (baseline), 60 and 120 min after cross-clamping of aorta (ischaemia phase), and 60 and 120 min after restoration of flow (reperfusion phase). RESULTS: Dopexamine and dopamine at 8 microgkg(-1)min(-1) reduced MDA at 60 and 120 min after reperfusion. CONCLUSION: Dopexamine seems superior to dopamine in reducing oxygen free radicals and subsequent lipid peroxidation during reperfusion after supraceliac aortic cross clamping in pigs.
Keywords:Aortic surgery   Dopexamine   Dopamine   MDA   Lipid peroxidation   Oxygen free radicals
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