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Effects of Wy-18, 251 (3-(P-Chlorophenyl) Thiazolo [3, 2-A] Benzimidazole-2-Acetic Acid), Levamisole and Indomethacin on the Generation of Murine T Suppressor Cells In Vitro

In vitro culture of normal BALB/c spleen cells with staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) activates antigen non-specific suppressor T cells (Ts) which can be assayed by their ability to suppress antibody production in a plaque assay. Addition of the experimental immunomodulatory drug Wy-18, 251 (10–100 μM) to cultures of spleen cells plus SEB significantly increased Ts activity relative to cultures without the drug. Similar results were obtained with levamisole, but, in contrast, indomethacin (0.1–10 μM) inhibited SEB-induced suppressor cell activity. The ability of Wy-18, 251 to augment Ts activity could be therapeutically useful in the treatment of those autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, in which hyperactive B cell function is a characteristic feature.
Keywords:recombinant tumor necrosis factor  defense mechanism  RNA synthesis  protein synthesis  two dimensional gel electrophoresis
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