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引用本文:陈娟,黎丽芬,管向东,罗兰,陈敏英,蔡常洁,李忠真,易慧敏. �����֢�໤��������Ը�Ⱦ����5��ع˷�����[J]. 中国实用外科杂志, 2001, 21(4): 209-212
作者姓名:陈娟  黎丽芬  管向东  罗兰  陈敏英  蔡常洁  李忠真  易慧敏
作者单位:1. 中山医科大学附属第一医院外科重症监护病房
2. 中山医科大学附属第一医院细菌检验中心
摘    要:
目的 了解外科重症监护病房(SICU)中医院获得性感染(nosocomial infection,NI)的流行病学规律。指导临床防治。方法 对SICU1996年1月至2000年12月间181例NI情况进行回顾性分析。结果 平均感染率9.81%,常见感染部位是呼吸道(36.96%)、胸腹腔(25.47%)和血行感染(9.32%),各部位主要病原菌种类具有统计学差异,呼吸道、胸腹腔和胆道以细菌为主,泌尿道和消化道以真菌为主,混合感染52.25%。常见病原菌是肠球菌、耐甲氧西林的葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌、大肠埃希杆菌、白色念珠菌和热带念珠菌。结论 SICU内NI主要病原菌因感染部位而不同,菌种复杂,耐药菌株多,应建立相应的监控制度,掌握病原菌变化规律,现有效地预防和治疗ICU内获得性感染。

关 键 词:医院获得性感染 外科重症监护病房 革兰阴性杆菌 革兰阳性球菌 真菌 SICU

Nosocomial infections inthe surgical intensive care unit
Chen Juan,LiLi fen,Guan Xiangdong,Lou Lan,Chen Minying,Cai Changjie,Li Zhongzhen,Yi Huiming. Nosocomial infections inthe surgical intensive care unit[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery, 2001, 21(4): 209-212
Authors:Chen Juan  LiLi fen  Guan Xiangdong  Lou Lan  Chen Minying  Cai Changjie  Li Zhongzhen  Yi Huiming
Affiliation:Chen Juan,Li Lifen,Guan Xiangdong,et al. SICU,The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yet-Sen University of Medical Sciences,Guangzhou,510080 China
Objective To evaluate the prevalence of NI in the SICU at our hospital. Methods 181 NI patients in the SICU were retrospectively analysed during Jan 1996~Dec 2000.Results The average NI rate was 9.81%. The major sites of NI were respiratory tract(36.96 %),thoracic/abdominal cavity(25.47 %)and bloodstream infections(9.32 %).The difference in major pathogens of infections in different sites reached statistical significance. For respiratory tract, thoracic/abdominal cavity and bloodstream infections,bacteria were the most common pathogens. Fungi were the moat frequent isolate from urine and stool. Mixed infection proportion was 52.25 %. The most common pathogens were Enterococci, Methicillin resistant Staphylococci、 Pseudomonas Aecruginosa、Escherichia Coli、Candida Albicans and Candida Tropicalis. Conclusions The most common pathogens of NI in SICU are different in different infection sites. The pathogens were complicated and most strains are antibiotics resistant. So it is important to establish NI control and to understand the changes of pathogens so as to prevent the infection.
Keywords:Nosocomial infection Surgical intensive care unit Gram-negative Bacilli Gram-positive Cocci Fungi
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