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Neurotrophic effects of hippocampal target cells on developing septal cholinergic neurons in culture
Authors:J Hsiang  B H Wainer  I A Shalaby  P C Hoffmann  A Heller  B R Heller
The influence of hippocampal target cells on the development of cholinergic septal neurons was studied in rotation-mediated reaggregating cell cultures. Brain cells from 15-day-old mouse embryos were obtained from: septum, containing cholinergic cells which project to the hippocampus; hippocampus which contains target cells for the septal cholinergic neurons; and cerebellum, containing cells which are not targets for the septal cholinergic cells. The cells were then cultured for 3 weeks in a rotary incubator in the following combinations: septal cells alone; hippocampal cells alone; cerebellar cells alone; septal-hippocampal cells together; and septal-cerebellar cells together. After harvesting, fixation, and embedding, 50 micron sections were cut and processed for visualization of acetylcholinesterase activity. Sections from reaggregates containing either hippocampal or cerebellar cells alone contained only a few acetylcholinesterase-positive cells, but no positive fibers. Sections from septal-hippocampal coaggregates revealed a pattern of well-defined, fine-caliber acetylcholinesterase-positive fibers with extensive arborizations and varicosities suggesting axonal proliferation. In septal-cerebellar coaggregates, acetylcholinesterase-positive fibers appeared to be degenerating and distinct areas were observed which were essentially devoid of acetylcholinesterase fibers. In some experiments, either cerebellar or hippocampal cells were labeled with wheatgerm agglutinin-rhodamine prior to culture in order to identify these cells in the resulting reaggregates. Analysis of sections from these studies showed that acetylcholinesterase fibers were excluded from regions of coaggregates containing cerebellar cells, but were present in regions of coaggregates containing hippocampal cells. Finally, cell counts of acetylcholinesterase-positive cells in the various combinations revealed that these putative cholinergic neurons were significantly more numerous in septal-hippocampal coaggregates (271 +/- 19 per 10(6) septal cells added) than in septal reaggregates (38 +/- 6 per 10(6) septal cells added) or septal-cerebellar coaggregates (85 +/- 29 per 10(6) septal cells added). These results, taken together, suggest that hippocampal target cells influence the development and survival of cholinergic neurons.
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