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Transient induction of single GST-P positive hepatocytes by DEN
Authors:Satoh, Kimihiko   Hatayama, Ichiro   Tateoka, Noboru   Tamai, Katsuto   Shimizu, Toshio   Tatematsu, Masae   Ito, Nobuyuki   Sato, Kiyomi
Affiliation:Second Department of Biochemistry, Hirsoaki University School of Medicine 5 Zaifu-Cho Hirosaki, Hirosaki d 036
1Department of Computer Science, Hirosaki University. School of General Education 1 Bunkyu-cho Hirosaki, Hirasaki 036,
2First Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University Medical School 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-Cho, Mizuho-Ku, Nagoya 467, Japan
Abstract:The single cells positive for placental glutathione S-transferase(GST-P), detectable in livers of rats soon after treatment withhepatocarcinogens, are possible ‘initiated cells’,the hypothesis tested in the present series of experiments.No low dose threshold was observed in male Sprague-Dawley ratsat different single doses of diethylnitrosamine (DEM) althougha plateau was reached between 160 and 200 mg/kg body weight.At the latter single dose ~ 12 400 positive cells/cm3 were observedimmunohistochemically in rat livers after one week, the numbersthen decreasing to week 8 and thereafter rising again. In thenumbers then decreasing to week 8 and thereafter rising again.In the early stages single cells predominated but with timea gradual increase in mini-foci and larger lesions became evident.Application of selection pressure (feeding of diet containing0.02% 2-AAF plus partial hepatectomy) to rats 2–24 weeksafter single DEN-treatment resulted in the formation of largefoci positive for GST-P, especially in the early stages, thegrowth response being less pronounced with time. The numberof foci, on the other hand. was correlated with the number offoci, on the other hand, was correlated with the number ofsingle cells/mini-foci detected inhepatectomy tissue of thesame individuals. These results suggest that the early GST-Ppositive populations could be the precursor for preneoplasticfoci and nodules.
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