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摘    要:目的探讨人文关怀在恢复期精神分裂症护理中的应用评价及有效性。方法选定恢复期精神分裂症患者90例,研究时段自2017年1月~2019年1月,对患者资料进行回顾性分析,按照护理方式进行分组,分为对照组(43例,常规延续性护理)、试验组(47例,应用人文关怀措施),比较两组的护理效果和家属满意度。结果两组护理前1周住院精神病患者康复疗效评定量表(IPROS)评分、简明精神病量表(BPRS)评分差异较小,护理8周后上述评分均降低,且试验组较对照组低(P0.05);试验组家属满意度(93.62%)较对照组(79.07%)高(P0.05)。结论针对恢复期精神分裂症患者,护理人员工作中应以引导患者回归家庭和社会为主,其中人文关怀可确保患者病情稳定,促使其更好地适应日常生活,家属满意度较高,值得借鉴。

关 键 词:精神分裂症  恢复期  人文关怀  情感状态  社会能力  兴趣爱好

Application evaluation and effectiveness analysis of humanistic care in the nursing care of schizophrenia during recovery
Abstract:Objective To explore the application evaluation and effectiveness of humanistic care in the nursing care of schizophrenia during recovery.Methods 90 patients with schizophrenia during recovery were selected.The study period was from January 2017 to January 2019.The patient data were retrospectively analyzed and grouped according to the nursing methods,namely the control group (43 cases,routine continuous care) and the experimental group (47 cases,humanistic care measures).The nursing care outcomes and family satisfaction were compared.Results The scores of the Rehabilitation Efficacy Rating Scale (IPROS) and the Brief Psychology Scale (BPRS) scores of the mental patients hospitalized one week before nursing care in both groups were not significantly different.After 8 weeks of nursing,the above scores were all reduced,and the experimental group was lower than the control group(P<0.05);the satisfaction of family members in the experimental group (93.62%) was higher than that in the control group (79.07%,P<0.05).Conclusion For the patients with schizophrenia during recovery,the work of nursing staff should focus on guiding patients to return to family and society.Humanistic care can ensure the patients'' condition is stable,make them better adapt to daily life,and has a higher family''s satisfaction,which is worthy of being learned and adopted.
Keywords:Schizophrenia  Recovery  Humanistic care  Emotional status  Social ability  Interests
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