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Clinical pathology consultation improves coagulation factor utilization in hospitalized adults
Authors:Marques Marisa B  Fritsma George A  Long J Alan  Adler Brian K
Affiliation:UAB Coagulation Service, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 19th St S, West Pavilion, P230 J, Birmingham, AL 35249-7331, USA.
Abstract:Coagulation factor replacement can effectively treat or prevent most hemophilia complications, but it is expensive. Although published data describe how to achieve therapeutic goals through cost-effective selection and dosing of replacement products, criteria are not universally known or followed. A review of our institution's experience revealed overdosing of coagulation factors in the majority of patients treated during a 12-month period, at a cost that approached $700,000. Consequently, we established mandatory clinical pathology consultation before releasing such factors. In the subsequent 30 months, 32 adults received 64 courses of treatment. For patients with hemophilia A, the mean cost per admission was reduced by approximately 27% (total savings, $61,536). For patients with factor VIII inhibitor, there was an approximate 6% cost reduction (total savings, $47,292). The combined savings was $108,828. The mean plasma factor level achieved during the intervention period was 84% +/- 55% compared with 117% +/- 58% for the preintervention period (P = .008). Neither the number of treatment (factor transfusion) days nor the number of RBC transfusions changed significantly. Our data support that pathology consultation yields consistent and appropriate therapy and improves resource utilization.
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