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Simulations for inverse radiation therapy treatment planning using a dynamic MLC algorithm
Authors:Boman E  Lyyra-Laitinen T  Kolmonen P  Jaatinen K  Tervo J
Affiliation:Research Institute for Radiotherapy Physics, Department of Applied Physics, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland. Eeva.Boman@uku.fi
The inverse radiation treatment planning model for a dynamic multileaf collimator (MLC) is used to find the optimal solution of planning problem. The model for dynamic MLC is explained in Tervo et al (2003 Appl. Math. Comput. 135 227-50). The advantage of this model is that it optimizes leaf velocity parameters directly. Our algorithm uses a gradient-based local optimization method. Two patient cases, prostate carcinoma and tonsilla carcinoma, are studied. Field arrangements are pre-selected and velocity parameters for MLC leaves are optimized to obtain the prescribed dose in the patient space. In both simulated cases, high dose distribution conforms the planning target volume well and organs-at-risk are saved in most parts. Simulations show that the model has its functionality in patient treatments, although it is still formal and needs further development.
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