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Release of endogenous dopamine and cholecystokinin from rat striatal slices: effects of amphetamine and dopamine antagonists
Authors:John B. Hutchison   James Strupish  Stefan R. Nahorski  

aDepartment of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Medical Sciences Building, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RHU.K.

The release of immunoreactive cholecystokinin (CCK) and dopamine was monitored simultaneously from superfused rat striatal slices. Exposure of the tissue to medium containing elevated of dopamine (10−7 and 10−6)M), the dopamine agonist pergolide (10−7, M), the D2-antagonist sulpride (1 μM) or the D1-antagonist (SCH 23390) had no significant effect on basal overflow or on evoked release of CCK. On the other hand, preincubation of striatal slices withd-amphetamine (10−5 M) enhanced basal and veratrine-stimulated dopamine release but markedly suppressed evoked CCK release. Sulpiride blocked this action of amphetamine whereas SCH 23390 was ineffective. The data suggests that whereas it is difficult to observe any effects of exogenous dopamine agonists or antagonists on evoked CCK release, endogenously released dopamine appears to interact with D2-receptors to suppress evoked CCK release from rat striatal slices.
Keywords:dopamine   cholecystokinin   striatum
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