左肺动脉吊带的MSCT诊断 |
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引用本文: | 陈鑫,张雪莲,马小静,彭光远,陶园,熊青峰,李炜,陈艳,陈险峰,胡文娟,. 左肺动脉吊带的MSCT诊断[J]. 放射学实践, 2014, 29(2): 162-165 |
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作者姓名: | 陈鑫 张雪莲 马小静 彭光远 陶园 熊青峰 李炜 陈艳 陈险峰 胡文娟 |
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作者单位: | 武汉亚洲心脏病医院放射科; |
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摘 要: | 目的:评价MSCT在左肺动脉吊带(LPAS)诊断中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析7例经手术证实的LPAS的临床表现及MSCT特征。结果:7例LPAS术前MSCT均正确诊断,7例均合并心内、外畸形。MSCI、及后处理(MPR、MIP、MinIP、VR)示:7例中完全性LPAS6例,表现为左肺动脉自右主肺动脉发出,从右主支气管上方绕行并向后走行至气管和食管间达左肺门;部分性LPAS1例,表现为左上肺动脉起自右主肺动脉,从右主支气管上方穿过。向后走行于气管和食管之间并供血左肺上叶,而左下肺动脉起源和走行正常;7例均伴不同程度的气管和/或支气管狭窄。结论:MSCT不仅能显示LPAS及其合并心血管畸形,还能显示LPAS伴随气管、支气管狭窄,对制定外科手术方案具有重要临床价值。
关 键 词: | 肺动脉吊带 心血管畸形 气管狭窄 体层摄影术,X线计算机 |
The multi-slice spiral CT in the diagnosis of left pulmonary artery sling |
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Affiliation: | CHEN Xin,ZHANG Xue-lian, MA Xiao-jing,et al. Department of Radiology,Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital,Wuhan 430022,P. R. China |
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Abstract: | Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) in diagnosis of left pulmonary ar- tery sling (I.PAS). Methods: MSCT findings and clinical manifestations of 7 patients with I.PAS, which were confirmed by surgery,were analyzed retrospectively. Results: All 7 cases of I.PAS were complicated with cardiac malformation and were correctly diagnosed by MSCT. 6 of the 7 cases were complete left pulmonary artery sling, the other one was partial left pul- monary artery sling. All cases had congenital cardiac malformations and various degrees of tracheal or/and bronchi~d steno- sis. Conclusions.. MSCT is an ideal imaging modality for identifying LPAS and associated tracheobronchial anomalies. It can provide useful information for surgical planning. |
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Keywords: | Pulmonary artery sling Cardiovascular abnormalities Tracheal stenosis Tomography,X-ray computed |
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