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引用本文:李学仁 林基燧. 尿素氮试纸的制备和应用[J]. 中国医学科学院学报, 1991, 13(6): 447-449
作者姓名:李学仁 林基燧
作者单位:协和医院 北京(李学仁,林其燧),协和医院 北京(宋耀虹)
摘    要:血液尿素氮是肾功能最重要的观测指标之一,是临床常规和急诊不可缺少的检验项目.尿素氮的测定方法,长期以来采用湿化学分析。如二乙酰—肟法,脲酶—吲哚酚法、脲酶—谷氨酸脱氢酶偶联法等.这些方法有足够的精确性和准确性,但需昂贵的仪器设备和专业技术人员,且操作繁琐又不能应急.干化学试剂以其用血微量、操作简便、快速、易于掌握和无需特殊仪器设备等优点有效地补充了湿试剂法之不足.国外已有尿素氮试纸法报道.50-93494专利技术是以脲酶、pH指示剂和屏障体组成的尿素氮试纸.此技术的特点是不用pH缓冲剂,而用多种高分子物质组成的屏障体来控制血液pH的影响.缺点是在试纸表面形成一坚硬的甲膜,使血样不易渗入试剂层,反应产生的颜色较浅,肉眼不易分辨.

关 键 词:尿素氮 试纸 肾功能 血液检测

Application and preparation of a BUN Test Strip]
X Li. Application and preparation of a BUN Test Strip][J]. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae, 1991, 13(6): 447-449
Authors:X Li
Affiliation:PUMC Hospital, Beijing.
Abstract:This paper introduces a dry chemical method for BUN determination and a procedure for the preparation of the BUN Test Strip. Urease, indicator, buffer, nonreactive stabilizers and fillers are immobilized on a piece of special paper, and then a thin film is laid on top to protect against interference from endogenous blood materials. After the paper is dried, it is cut into small strips and ready to use. When the sample is loaded on the strip, the enzymatic reaction can be carried out in one minute, and with a color plate, one can obtain semiquantitative BUN concentration. One-day and day-to-day precision variations (CV%) were 2.6%-5.0% and 5.9%-7.1%, respectively. There was a good correlation between our BUN Strip and the Ames BUN Strip: r = 0.98, y = 0.96x -2.4 (x = Ames BUN Strip).
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