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“The developmental and functional logic of neuronal circuits”: commentary on the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience
Authors:J.C. Glover
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, PB 1103, Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway
Abstract:The first Kavli Prize in Neuroscience recognizes a confluence of career achievements that together provide a fundamental understanding of how brain and spinal cord circuits are assembled during development and function in the adult. The members of the Kavli Neuroscience Prize Committee have decided to reward three scientists (Sten Grillner, Thomas Jessell, and Pasko Rakic) jointly “for discoveries on the developmental and functional logic of neuronal circuits”.
Keywords:Grillner S   Jessell TM   Rakic P   cerebral cortex   cortical layers   radial glia   radial unit hypothesis   neuronal migration   connectivity   evolution   spinal cord   sensorimotor circuits   molecular specification of neurons   locomotor   central pattern generator   network organization   brain anatomy   human   monkey   primate   histogenesis   tritiated thymidine   neurogenesis   spatiotemporal map   last mitotic division   neuronal identity   &ldquo  migration disorders&rdquo     ocular dominance columns   cytoarchitectonic   ependyma   proliferative unit   prot-map   neuronal progenitors   substance P   sensory transmitters   sensory neurons   pain   opiates   capsaicin   acetylcholine receptors   recognition molecules   embryonic development   hybridoma   monoclonal antibodies   epitopes   surface molecules   molecular markers   commissural interneurons   chemotropic   floor plate   axonal pathfinding   nerve fiber trajectories   notochord   signaling gradient   nuclear transcription factors   dorsoventral patterning   motoneuron pools   anteroposterior patterning   retionoic acid   hox genes   motoneuron diseases   amyotrophic lateral sclerosis   adhesion molecules   sensorimotor reflex circuits   sonic hedgehog   shh   motor control   muscle spindles   stretch reflex   reticulospinal   vestibulospinal   mammalian   cat   fish   lamprey   supraspinal centers   swimming   locomotion   anatomy   electrophysiology   fictive locomotion   bistable membrane   excitatory aminoacid   NMDA receptors   rhythmicity   computer simulation   laser scanning confocal microscopy   spinal cord injury   striatum   goal-directed behavior   informatics   neuroinformatics   neuromechanical model
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