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引用本文:田建中,徐庆,邱琴香,姜强,文静波,段俊波,侯敏,黄英,张辉,李云涛. 昆明市首次检出肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7[J]. 疾病监测, 2002, 17(7): 245-247. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2002.7.245
作者姓名:田建中  徐庆  邱琴香  姜强  文静波  段俊波  侯敏  黄英  张辉  李云涛
作者单位:1.昆明市卫生防疫站 650034
摘    要:为了解昆明市是否存在肠出血性大肠杆菌O15 7∶H7及流行情况 ,了解蔬菜、食物、水等的污染情况 ,2 0 0 1年 10月采集昆明市鸡、鸭、牛 3个养殖场、西式快餐店 2个和市区 9个农贸市场的鸡、鸭、牛粪 ,生牛奶 ,生、熟肉馅 ,生蔬菜 ,生、熟猪、牛肉 ,海产品 ,以及猪、鱼、鸡内脏等 14种共 15 5份样品。按照大肠杆菌O15 7∶H7的常规分离鉴定方法和分子生物学和血清学试验鉴定 ,结果共发现 19株大肠杆菌O15 7∶H7,并且 19株菌株均含有志贺样毒素VT2的致病基因。其中从蔬菜 (33份 )分离到 9株、鸡内脏 (9份 )分离到 3株、生猪肠 (17份 )和卤猪肉 (12份 )各分离到 2株 ,发干菜 (6份 )、鱼内脏 (6份 )、海产品 (6份 )各分离到 1株大肠杆菌O15 7∶H7。食品中检出阳性菌株数之多在全国尚属少见。特别是蔬菜 ,其检出O15 7∶H7大肠杆菌阳性数 ,占总检出数的 4 3 37% ,与国内其它地区有所不同。昆明市存在发生肠出血性大肠杆菌O15 7∶H7感染暴发或流行的潜在危险.

关 键 词:肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7   监测

The First Discovery of E. coli O157:H7 in Kunming
Affiliation:1.The Epidemics Prevention Station of Kunming;Yunnan;650034
Abstract:Objective To investigate whether E.coli O157∶H7 exist in Kunming and its distribution, especially in vegetable, food and water. Method In Oct.2001, 155 samples were collected, including feces of chicken, duck and cattle, offal of pig, fish and chicken, raw milk, vegetable, raw and cooked pork, beef and meat stuffing, marine product from 3 raising farms, 2 snack bars and 9 farm products markets. We isolated and identified E.coli O157∶H7 according to regular isolating method, molecular biology test and serology test. Results 19 strains of E.coli O157:H7 were isolated and all of them had pathogenetic gene of Shiga's bacillus toxin VT2.9 strains were isolated from vegeta-bles,3 from chicken offal,2 from raw pig intestine and pot - stewed pork respectively,1 from hydrated dry vegeta-bles,fish offal and marine products respectively.The number of isolated E.coli O157:H7 strains was very big espe-cially in vegetables,the percentage of O157:H7 strains in the total isolated E.coli strains was 43.37%.Conclusion The potential risk of E.coli O157:H7 strains in the total isolated E.coli strains was 43.37%. Conclusion The potential risk of E.coli O157:H7 outbreak exists in Kunming.
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