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Testicular amplificaion and impaired transmission of human butyrylcholinesterase cDNA in transgenic mice
Authors:Beeri, Rachel   Gnatt, Averell   Lapidot-Lifson, Yaron   Ginzberg, Dalia   Shani, Moshe   Soreq, Hermona   Zakut, Haim
Affiliation:1Department of Biological Chemistry, The Life Sciences Institute, The Hebrew University Jerusalem 91904, Israel 2Department of Genetic Engineering, The Institute of Animal Science, Agricultural Research 906, Beit Dagan 50250, Israel 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, The Edith Wolfson Medical Centre Holon (58100), Israel
Gene amplification occurs frequently in tumour tissues yet is,in general, non-inheritable. To study the molecular mechanismsconferring this restraint, we created transgenic mice carryinga human butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) coding sequence, previouslyfound to be amplified in a father and son. Blot hybridizationof tail DNA samples revealed somatic transgene amplificationswith variable restriction patterns and intensities, suggestingthe occurrence of independent amplification events, in 31% (11/35)of mice from the FII generation but in only 3.5% (2/58) of theFII and FIV generations. In contrast, >10-fold amplificationsof the BCHE transgene and the endogenous acetylcholinesteraseand c-raf genes appeared in both testis and epididymis DNA from>80% of FIII mice. Drastic, selective reductions in testisBCHEmRNA but not in actin mRNA were detected by the PCR amplificationof testis cDNA from the transgenic mice, and apparently resultedin the limited transmission of amplified genes. The testicularamplification of the BCHE transgene may potentially representa general phenomenon with clinical implications in human infertility.
Keywords:cholinesterase/fertility/human/polymerase chain reaction/testicular gene amplification
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