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Metabolic base production and mucosal vulnerability during acid inhibition in a mammalian stomachin vitro
Authors:Micheline Glauser MS  Peter Bauerfeind MD  Wolfgang Feil MD  Martin Riegler MD  Robert Fraser MD  André L. Blum MD
Affiliation:(1) From the Department of Gastroenterology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland;(2) Chirurgische Abteilung, Donauspital im SMZ Ost, Vienna, Austria;(3) Vienna General Hospital, University Clinic of Surgery I, Vienna, Austria;(4) Division of Gastroenterology, University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Acid inhibition increases gastric mucosal susceptibility to damage by luminal acid. This might be due to reduced metabolic CO2 and bicarbonate whereas, during normal acid, secretion cytoprotective CO2/HCO3- production parallels acid production. Metabolic activity and mucosal damage caused by luminal acid perfusion was determined in anin vitro mouse stomach, with and without acid inhibition, and at 0%, 1%, or 5% serosal CO2 supply. Without acid inhibition there was no mucosal damage at any level of serosal CO2/HCO3- supply. Acid inhibition reduced metabolic CO2 production by 29% (P<0.004) and resulted in microscopic damage to 55% of the mucosal area and perforation in four of five stomachs (P<0.05). Although, 1% CO2 supply completely replaced the reduction in metabolic CO2, it did not protect against mucosal damage. Overreplacement by 5% serosal CO2/HCO3- was required to prevent damage. There was no correlation between luminal CO2/HCO3- output and mucosal damage. The protection by endogenous or exogenous CO2/HCO3- appears to act intracellularly rather than by intragastric or intercellular neutralization.This study was supported by Swiss National Foundation grants 32-26369.89 and 32-33626.92. The morphometry equipment was supported by a grant from the ldquoOsterreichische Nationalbank.rdquo
Keywords:acid injury  intracellular protection  carbon dioxide  gastric base production
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