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Major Neurological Disease and Occupational Exposure to Organic Solvents
Five patients are described who presented with major organicbrain disease affecting one or more of pyramidal and extrapyramidaltracts, cerebellum, and higher cortical functions. All had ahistory of 10 years or more of regular occupational exposureto solvents in confined spaces, three in painting inside shipsand the others in weapons maintenance and printing. All hadbeen regularly exposed to high air vapour peaks as well as toskin contamination. Four showed some evidence of improvementafter the exposure ceased. None was initially suspected of havinga toxic encephalopathy by the consultant to whom he was referred.The spectrum of neurological disease presented by these menmirrors closely that described in solvent abusers. All wereforced by illness to retire from their work, a circumstancewhich might have in the past have led to such conditions beingmissed in cross-sectional studies, which in general have notshown evidence of major disease. We suggest that when such diseaseoccurs nowadays, its cause is usually not suspected. Furtherepidemiological study of the problem is necessary.
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