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引用本文:无,肖小河,王伽伯. 何首乌安全用药指南[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2020, 0(5): 961-966
作者姓名:  肖小河  王伽伯
摘    要:何首乌为常用中药,在临床治疗和日常保健中使用广泛,但近年来屡见有肝损伤报道,引起国内外广泛关注,部分含何首乌和首乌藤制剂肝损伤风险已被国家食品药品监督管理局多次通报。近年来相关研究已取得实质性进展,揭示了其特异质肝损伤的基本属性、主要成因、物质基础和分子机制,发现其易感人群的基本特征和生物标志物,表明何首乌仅对极少数特定人群有肝损伤风险,对绝大多数人群是安全的。研究成果为正确客观地认识何首乌致肝损伤、合理制定何首乌及相关制剂安全用药措施提供了科学依据。为此,中华中医药学会组织全国相关领域专家,起草制定了《何首乌安全用药指南》,旨在帮助国内外公众和相关机构,科学认识、评估和规避何首乌肝损伤风险,指导何首乌及相关制剂的合理使用,保障广大消费者的健康权益,同时促进何首乌及相关产业的健康持续发展。该指南已通过中华中医药学会的审核,并进行了发布,编号T/CACM 1328-2019。

关 键 词:何首乌  中药  安全性  肝损伤  合理用药

Guidelines for safe use of Polygoni Multiflori Radix
Abstract:Polygoni Multiflori Radix is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine in clinical treatment and health care. However, the related liver injury has been frequently reported, which has attracted extensive attention. Fortunately, in recent years, the scholars have made substantial progress in revealing the basic properties, main causes, material basis and molecular mechanism of Polygoni Multiflori Radix related liver injury. The basic characteristics and biomarkers of its susceptible subjects have been found. It indicated that Polygoni Multiflori Radix is only at risk of liver injury for a small number of specific subjects but safe for the majority. To provide detailed guidance for the rational use of Polygoni Multiflori Radix and related preparation, we compiled this guideline based on existing research and knowledge. The guideline has been issued by the China Association of Chinese Medicine(No. T/CACM 1328-2019).
Keywords:Polygoni Multiflori Radix  traditional Chinese medicine  drug safety  liver injury  rational use
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