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引用本文:贺芳,谭鹰,陈敦金. PBL教学法在妇产科临床教学中的应用[J]. 中国现代药物应用, 2012, 6(3): 137-138
作者姓名:贺芳  谭鹰  陈敦金
摘    要:
目的 探讨以问题为基础的学习(problem-based learning,PBL)在妇产科临床教学工作中的应用及效果.方法 将来我院妇产科临床实习生随机分为传统的以授课为基础的学习(1ecture-based learning,LBL) 教学组和PBL教学组,通过出科考试评估两组学生的临床实践能力,应用问卷调查评价PBL教学的效果.结果 PBL教学组学生的理论综合考试和临床技能考试成绩显著高于LBL 教学组(P<0.05),学生对教学效果的满意度也显著高于传统LBL教学组.结论 在妇产科临床教学工作中,PBL教学法效果优于LBL教学法,有助于培养学生自主学习、团队协作及发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力.

关 键 词:妇产科  PBL教学  LBL教学

Application of PBL on clinical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology
HE Fang , TAN Ying , CHEN Dunjin. Application of PBL on clinical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology[J]. Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application, 2012, 6(3): 137-138
Authors:HE Fang    TAN Ying    CHEN Dunjin
Affiliation:HE Fang, TAN Ying, CHEN Dunfin. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Third Affilinted Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guang- zhou 510150, China
Objective To explore the effect of PBL (problem-based learning, PBL)teaching mode ap- plication in clinical obstetrics and gynecology Methods The students were categorized into 2 groups randomly, one classes conducted PBL course, the other classes were in traditional curriculum. The teaching effect was ana- lyzed by investigation and the clinical practice capacity was evaluated by examination. Results The perform- ance of the students in PBL was better than traditional class and the students were more satisfied with the PBL courses. Conclusion The PBL cultivated students in self learning ability, analytical and problem-solving ability as well as team spirit.
Keywords:obstetrics and gynecology  problem-based learning teaching  lecture-based learning teaching
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