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Histidase expression in human epidermal keratinocytes: regulation by differentiation status and all-trans retinoic acid
Authors:Eckhart Leopold  Schmidt Martina  Mildner Michael  Mlitz Veronika  Abtin Arby  Ballaun Claudia  Fischer Heinz  Mrass Paul  Tschachler Erwin

aDepartment of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

bCentre de Recherches et d’ Investigations Epidermiques et Sensorielles (CE.R.I.E.S.), Neuilly 92521, France

Keywords:Histidase   Urocanic acid   Retinoic acid   Keratinocyte differentiation   Ultraviolet irradiation
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