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Competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassays for the measurement of human IgG, IgA and IgM
Authors:I.J. Smart  L.Y. Koh
Abstract:Competitive-inhibition enzyme immunoassays for the measurement of human IgG, IgA and IgM are described. These assays can be readily performed with commercial antisera and a recently developed method for purifying human IgA and IgM with high yield. The assays described are specific, with undetectable (<0.5%) cross-reactivity between the immunoglobulin classes in all systems, except with purified IgM, which cross-reacted to 1.9% with the IgG enzyme immunoassay.Minimal detectable concentrations of 2.5±0.8 ng/ml for IgG 4.2±0.9 ng/ml for IgA and 7.2±1.4 ng/ml for IgM were recorded, indicating that these assays are particularly sensitive. There is little within-assay variation (mean coefficient of variation = 3.9%), although the between-assay variation was substantially greater (mean coefficient of variation = 23.5%). These assay systems appear to be particularly suited to the measurement of immunoglobulin production by lymphocytes in culture. In such studies the assay must be specific, sensitive and be capable of discriminating between levels of immunoglobulin produced in response to various experimental treatments.
Keywords:enzyme immunoassay   human IgA   human IgM   human IgG
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