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Comparative ultracytochemical study of the acrosome in four different Veneroida species from the Turkish coast
Authors:Erkan M  Sousa M  Baldaia L
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Istanbul, Turkey.
Cytoplasmic acidic phosphoproteins and complex polysaccharides were stained with ammoniacal silver nitrate-formalin and phosphotungstic acid-chromic acid, respectively. In Cerastoderma glaucum (Cardiacea), acrosomal vesicle contents are differentiated into an apical intermediate-dense component and a basal dense region. PTA stained the apical component and silver stained the basal region and the apex of the acrosome. In Spisula subtruncata (Mactracea) the acrosome showed a PTA-stained apical component and a silver-positive basal dense region. In the Veneracea, Chamelea gallina and Pitar rudis show a tripartite acrosomal vesicle, with apical light, outer dense and inner intermediate-dense regions. In both species, the apical and inner components were stained by PTA, whereas silver stained all regions of the acrosomal vesicle in C. gallina and the apical and outer regions in P. rudis. In midpiece, only C. glaucum showed a positive silver reaction at the centriolar fossa.
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