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The Child's Start in Day Care Centre
Authors:Sven Thyssen
Affiliation: a The Danish National Institute for Educational Research, 28, Hermodsgade, 2200 Kebenhavn N
Abstract:10 children have been followed from their start in day care and during the first months by means of qualitative observations. Their parents and kindergarten teachers have been interviewed. A basic issue in the study is that starting in day care means on the one hand separation from the family and on the other hand possibilities of new activities and new social relations. How does this issue figure in the day care life of the child? The day care centre appeared to be a place for exploration and activities with much attraction for the child. The separation was only difficult for one of the children. For this child a caring kindergarten teacher, opportunities for exploration and support in these activities from the kindergarten teacher was of importance in overcoming the difficulties with the separation. It furthermore appeared that right from the start the content in the child's day care life is related to activities with things and facilities and soon also with peers. The relation with the kindergarten teacher is important for the child in that through the caring attitude of the kindergarten teacher it becomes appreciated and a participant in the joint life.
Keywords:Day care start  care  child development  children's peer relations
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