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The use of Xylitol chewing gum in oral health promotion for Finnish students
Affiliation:Department of Dental Public Health, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki Finland Students' Health Service Helsinki, Finland
The beneficial effects of xylitol, a noncariogenic sweeteningagent, on oral health have been conclusively demonstrated ininternational trials, its therapeutic mechanisms have been thoroughlyinvestigated. A four-week trial was conducted to study universitystudents' conceptions of xylitol and their willingness to usexylitol chewing gum to improve their oral health. The trialwas carried out in a large student's refectory operated by theState Catering Centre in Turku. During the first test periodevery student eating in the refectory was given one packet ofxylitol gum free and during the second period only on request.Students' use of the gum after meals was monitored, and theiropinions were surveyed One thousand two hundred and twenty-onestudents returned completed questionnaires. Virtually everystudent was either chewing or about to chew when separatelymonitored on leaving the refectory. Students' attitudes towardsuse of xylitol chewing gum in the refectory diet were favourable:66% recommended it unconditionally and 31% accepted it. Thestudents were aware of the properties and benefit to oral healthof xylitol. Thirty-eight per cent of the students studied consideredxylitol chewing gum to be of considerable benefit to dentalhealth. Fifty-seven per cent considered it to be moderate benefitto dental health. Most students considered their teeth to bein good condition; only 2% felt they were not. Two thirds ofthe students stated that they used chewing gum at least oncea week Fifteen per cent of students regularly used chewing gumafter meals. The results of the trial demonstrated that universitystudents reacted favourably to provision of xylitol chewinggum in connection with refectory meals. There would seem tobe potential for the promotion of post prandial use of xylixolchewing gum.
Keywords:oral health promotion   xylitol   questionnaire
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