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引用本文:郭黎霞,范肃洁,王兰,陈燕云,彭忆,刘文茹,孙兰萍,梁远波,王宁利. 标准白色视野与蓝/黄视野检测不同阶段青光眼视野的对比研究[J]. 眼科, 2009, 18(6): 410-413
作者姓名:郭黎霞  范肃洁  王兰  陈燕云  彭忆  刘文茹  孙兰萍  梁远波  王宁利
作者单位:1. 河北省邯郸眼科医院,056001
2. 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院,北京同仁眼科中心,北京市眼科学与视觉科学重点实验室
摘    要:目的比较自动标准白色视野计(white-on-white perimetry,啪w)和蓝/黄视野计(blue-on-bellow perimetry,B/Y)检测不同阶段青光眼视野损害的敏感性。设计横断面调查。研究对象青光眼患者42例(71眼)。方法采用HumphreyⅡ-750型自动视野计对青光眼患者进行B/Y及W|W检查。根据晚期青光跟治疗研究(Advanced GlaucomaIntervention Study,AGlS)视野评分标准,将青光眼患者分早、中、晚三组,运用青光眼首选治疗研究(collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study,CIGTS)方法,对视野缺损进行评分。比较三组不同时期青光眼应用两种视野计检查,在视野平均缺损(Meandeviation,MD)、模式标准差(Pattern Standard Deviation,PSD)、CIGTS评分方面的差异。主要指标视野的平均缺损、模式标准差、CIGTS评分。结果两种视野计检查MD的均值结果在早、中期青光眼组,B/Y检测的MD(-8.65dB±3.89dB;-14.94dB±3.22dB)较w/W(-3.29dB±2.40dB;-10.04dB±2.73dB)低,t=9.21,P〈0.001及t=-4.89,P〈0.001;在晚期青光眼组,B/Y检测的MD(-22.07dB±2.64dB)较w/w(-25.20dB±5.48dB)高,t=3.93,P〈0.001。两种视野计检查PSD的均值结果,在早期青光眼组,B/Y检测的PSD(4.17dB±1.20dB)较W/W(3.22dB±2.90dB)高,t=2.12,P〈0.05;在中、晚期青光眼组,B/Y检测的PSD较W/W低(t=-3.04,P〈0.01,t=-2.96,P〈0.001)。两种视野计CIGTS评分的均值结果,在早期青光眼组,B/Y的CIGTS评分(5.35±3.83)较W/W(3.36±3.12)高,t=2.67,P〈0.05);在中、晚期青光眼组,B/Y的CIGTS评分较W/W低,t-4131,P〈0.05及t=-4.02,P〈0.001。结论对于早期青光眼的视野检测,B/Y较W/W敏感,但对于中晚期青光眼,W/W视野较B/Y更敏感。对于早期青光眼及可疑青光眼采用B/Y视野检测较敏感,而对于中晚期青?

关 键 词:青光眼  视野

Comparison of white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry on visual field loss in glaucoma patients
GUO Li-xia,FAN Su-jie,WANG Lan,CHEN Yan-yun,PENG Yi,LIU Wen-ru,SUN Lan-ping,LIANG Yuan-bo,WANG Ning-li. Comparison of white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry on visual field loss in glaucoma patients[J]. Ophthalmology in China, 2009, 18(6): 410-413
Authors:GUO Li-xia  FAN Su-jie  WANG Lan  CHEN Yan-yun  PENG Yi  LIU Wen-ru  SUN Lan-ping  LIANG Yuan-bo  WANG Ning-li
Affiliation:GUO Li-xia,FAN Su-jie, WANG Lan, CHEN Yanyun, PENG Yi, LIU Wen-ru, SUN Lan-ping, LIANG Yuan-bo, WANG Ning-li. (Handan Eye Hospital, Hebei Province, Handan 056001, China)
Abstract:Objective To compare the sensitivity of white-on-white perimetry (W/W) and blue-on-bellow perimetry (B/Y) on the visual field loss of (VFL) in glaucoma. Design Cross-sectional survey. Participants Forty-two glaucoma patients (seventy-one eyes). Methods The Humphrey-11-750 automated perimetry was used to examine glaucoma patients with B/Y and W/W. Patients were divided into early, moderate and advanced groups according to the visual field test scoring from Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS). collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study (CIGTS) scores were used to determine severity of VFL. The mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD) and CIGTS scores were calculated and analyzed statistically by t-test. Main Outcome Measures Mean deviation, Pattern Standard Deviation, CIGTS scores. Results MD was significantly lower in B/Y(-8.65±3.89 dB; -14.94±3.22 dB, respectively) than in W/W (-3.29±2.40 dB; -10.04±2.73 dB, respectively) in early and moderate groups (t=-9.21, P〈0.001; t=-4.89, P〈0.001, respectively ). However, it was significantly higher in B/Y(-22.07±2.64 dB) than W/W(-25.20±5.48 dB) in advanced group(t= 3.93, P〈0.001). PSD was significantly higher in B/Y (4.17 dB±1.20 dB) than in W/W (3.22±2.90 dB) in early group (t=2.12, P〈0.05). However, it was significantly lower in B/Y (5.19±2.43 dB; 5.56±3.09 dB, respectively) than in W/W (7.98±3.20 dB; 8.19±3.37 dB, respectively) in moderate and advanced groups (t=-3.04, P〈0.01; t=-2.96, P〈0.001, respectively). CIGTS scoring system was significandy higher in B/Y than in W/W in early group (t=2.67, P〈0.05). However, it was significantly lower in B/Y than in W/W in moderate and advanced groups (t=-4.31, P〈0.05; t=-4.02, P〈0.001, respectively). Conclusions B/Y perimetry is more sensitive than W/W perimetry in detecting early glaucoma . W/W perimetry is more sensitive than B/Y perimetry in detecting moderate and advanced glaucoma. Thi
Keywords:glaucoma  visual field
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