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引用本文:武秀萍,焦韦蓉,陈显久,李文军,胥航,龙云婧. 山西省城乡老年人健康状况比较[J]. 实用预防医学, 2010, 17(2): 260-262
作者姓名:武秀萍  焦韦蓉  陈显久  李文军  胥航  龙云婧
摘    要:目的掌握山西省城乡老年人健康状况的差异,为提高老年人的生命质量提供依据。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法,随机抽取山西省长治等5地区的10个村的城乡老年人共2640人进行统一问卷调查。问卷采用《世界卫生组织老年人生存质量测定表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)》,所得数据使用SPSS11.5软件包建立数据库并统计分析。结果城市老年人的总健康情况好于农村老年人,在"生活自理能力"、"完成工作或其它活动的能力"、"社会适应能力"以及"生活态度"等方面,农村老年人要优于城市老年人。结论山西省城乡老年人健康状况存在一定的差异,宜采用有针对性的措施提高老年人的生命质量。

关 键 词:老年人  健康状况  生命质量  调查

Comparison of Health Status Between Urban and Rural Elderly People in Shanxi Province
WU Xiu-ping,JIAO Wei-rong,CHEN Xian-jiu,et al.. Comparison of Health Status Between Urban and Rural Elderly People in Shanxi Province[J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2010, 17(2): 260-262
Authors:WU Xiu-ping  JIAO Wei-rong  CHEN Xian-jiu  et al.
Affiliation:WU Xiu-ping,JIAO Wei-rong,CHEN Xian-jiu,et al.(Department of Stomatology,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,Shanxi,China)
Abstract:Objective To master the differences in health status existed between urban and rural elderly persons in Shanxi Province,and to provide a basis for improving the quality of life for the elderly.Methods With the method of random cluster sampling,totally 2,640 elderly persons were randomly selected from 10 villages of 5 districts of Changzhi,Shanxi Province to investigate with the unified questionnaire,the World Health Organization Quality of Life in the Elderly Summary Table (WHOQOL-BREF);the data were used t...
Keywords:The elderly  Health status  Quality of life  Survey  
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