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Recurrent posttraumatic urethro-vaginal fistula: a new application for ASTRA
Authors:Dòmini M  Aquino A  Rossi F  Lima M  Ruggeri G  Dòmini R
Affiliation:Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy.
The authors describe the results of an application of the surgical technique called ASTRA (anterior sagittal transrectal approach) in a 16-year-old girl with recurrent urethro-vaginal fistula. The young girl had a posttraumatic urethro-vaginal fistula. It recurred after 4 operations by a direct vaginal approach before definitive correction with the ASTRA. Three years after the operation the patient has remained well with complete healing and no fistula recurrence confirmed by a voiding cystourethrogram and urodynamic and rectal manometric tests. This report suggests that ASTRA is a useful method of treating acquired or developmental anomalies of the perineal region.
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