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引用本文:孙增荣,刘凤珍,吴丽娜,吕严,于德奎. 镁盐降氟饮水对小鼠脑功能的影响[J]. 中国地方病防治杂志, 2000, 15(5): 257-259
作者姓名:孙增荣  刘凤珍  吴丽娜  吕严  于德奎
摘    要:
目的 探讨活性氧化镁降氟饮水(镁盐降氟饮水)对小鼠脑功能的影响及降氟饮水中适宜的镁离子(Mg)残留量。方法 对饮Mg残留量350、175、85mg/L的镁盐降氟饮水6个月的小鼠,进行行为毒理学实验(穿梭箱试验)及脑组织胆碱酯酶(ChE)活力测定,以此判断脑功能。同时对各组动物的脑镁负荷水平进行测定。结果 饮降氟水动物的学习和记忆能力与对照组比较差别无显性,但高Mg残留量组(350mg/L)动物的

关 键 词:镁盐降氟饮水 脑功能 胆碱酯酶 地方性氟中毒

The effects of drinking water defluorinated by magnesium salt on the cerebral functions of mice
Sun Zengrong,Liu FengZhen,Wu Lina,et al. The effects of drinking water defluorinated by magnesium salt on the cerebral functions of mice[J]. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Disenaces, 2000, 15(5): 257-259
Authors:Sun Zengrong  Liu FengZhen  Wu Lina  et al
Objective To study the effects of drinking water defluorinated by active magnesium oxide (denflorinated water by magnesium salt) on the cerebral functions of mice and to approach the appropriate residual concentration of Mg in the defluorinated water. Method A behavior - toxicological test (shuttle Box Test) was carried out on the mice of control and three defluorinated water groups in which the residual concentration of Mg were 350, 175 and 85mg/L respectively. The cholinesterase(ChE) activity and Mg concentration in the brain of these mice were determined at the same time. Results There were no significant differences in the abilities of learning and memory being found in defluorinated water groups and control group, while the high Mg(350mg/L) residual group showed a tendency of lower abilities of learning and memory. Brain ChE activities of defluorinated water group with high Mg(350mg/L) residue were significantly higher than that of the control group and the other two groups showed no significant differences compared with the control group. Mg concentrations in the brain of the mice of three defluorinated water groups were all significantly higher than that of the control group. Conclusion Drinking water defluorinated by active magnesium oxide in which the residual concentration of Mg was 85 - 175mg/L had no hazardous effects on the cerebral functions of the mice, but high Mg (350mg/L) residue in the defluorinated water might provide some Potential hazardous effects on the cerebral functions of mice. Permissible residual concentration of Mg in defluorinated drinking water below the limit of 175mg/L was recommended.
Keywords:Drinking water defluorinated by magnesium salt Cerebral function Cholinesterase(ChE)
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