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Secondary structure prediction of seed storage proteins
The comparison of partial primary structure of seed storage proteins leads to show homologies inside of each considered family (Legume seed legumins and cereal prolamins). Predicted secondary structures deduced from the presently known sequences also exhibit considerable homologies, which implies a severe conservatism of these proteins. Short repetitive segments of sequence of 5–20 residues are frequently occurring and give rise to the prediction either of β-structure (or α-helix) bonded by β-turns or of successive β-turns. The latter conformation, which would be able to form a helicoidal arrangement, could contribute to a maximal packing of the protein molecules inside of the subcellular organelles (protein bodies) within which they are confined. As the only known function of seed storage proteins is to provide amino acids to the embryo, it is suggested that their ability to occupy a minimal volume is actually a reasonable explanation of their extreme conservatism in the course of evolution.
Keywords:gliadins  hordeins  legumins  secondary structure prediction  seed storage proteins  sequence homologies  zeins
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