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Therapie der Osteoporose beim geriatrischen Patienten
Authors:Mag. Dr. M. Gosch MAS  C. Kammerlander  K. Pils  M. Lechleitner  U. Benvenuti-Falger  T. Roth  B. Joosten-Gstrein  P. Pietschmann
Affiliation:1. Abteilung für Innere Medizin und Akutgeriatrie, Landeskrankenhaus Hochzirl, Hochzirl 1, 6170, Zirl, ?sterreich
2. Universit?tsklinik für Unfallchirurgie, Innsbruck, ?sterreich
3. Institut für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, SMZ Sophienspital, Wien, ?sterreich
4. Institut für Pathophysiologie und Allergieforschung, Zentrum für Pathophysiologie, Infektiologie und Immunologie, Universit?t Wien, Wien, ?sterreich
Abstract:Due to the demographic changes of the last few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of osteoporotic fractures. After a fracture, geriatric patients are at particularly high risk for an increase of their functional impairments as well as a loss of independence and quality of life. In spite of the severe medical and socioeconomic consequences of fragility fractures, osteoporotic treatment and prevention are still insufficient. Based on the current literature, the pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options as well as new surgical techniques for geriatric patients are reviewed.
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