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引用本文:王建伟,杨良锁,鹿永良,郭安丰,赵小龙,张朋. 563例腰椎间盘突出症术后并发足下垂危险因素的相关性分析[J]. 河南外科学杂志, 2013, 19(5): 17-19
作者姓名:王建伟  杨良锁  鹿永良  郭安丰  赵小龙  张朋
作者单位:王建伟 (河南舞阳县人民医院脊柱外科,舞阳,462400); 杨良锁 (河南舞阳县人民医院脊柱外科,舞阳,462400); 鹿永良 (河南舞阳县人民医院脊柱外科,舞阳,462400); 郭安丰 (河南舞阳县人民医院脊柱外科,舞阳,462400); 赵小龙 (河南舞阳县人民医院脊柱外科,舞阳,462400); 张朋 (南京军区福州总医院四七六医院骨二科,福州,350007);
摘    要:目的探讨腰椎间盘突出症术后并发足下垂的危险因素,指导临床治疗与预防治措施。。方法回顾563例腰椎间盘突出症手术病例,对12个相关因素进行多因素Logistic回归分析确定危险因素。结果术后发生足下垂患者17例,多因素分析显示神经牵拉程度、术后血肿、神经根紧张度、椎间指数、神经根粘连与术后足下垂密切相关,差异有统计学意义。结论多因素分析结果表明神经过度牵拉、术后血肿形成、神经根张力较大、椎间指数≥50%、神经根粘连是腰椎间盘突出症术后并发足下垂的危险因素。合并危险因素者术前应做好手术准备,术中仔细操作,降低并预防神经损伤导致的足下垂。

关 键 词:腰椎间盘突出症  足下垂  神经损伤  Logistic回归  危险因素

Correlation analysis of risk factors about drop foot after operation in 563 cases with lumbar dics herniation
Affiliation:Wang Jianwei, Yang Liangsuo ,Lu Yongliang ,et al. (Department of Spine Surgery, People Hospital of Wuyang County , Wuyang 462400, China)
Abstract:Objective To research risk factors of drop foot after operation in lumbar dics herniation and guide clinical treatment. Meth- ods 563 cases of lumbar dies herniation were reviewed retrospectively. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis were carried on 12 relevant factors to determine risk factors. Results 17 cases appear foot drop after operation. Multivariate analysis shows that plexus traction, postopera- tive hematoma, tension of nerve root, intervertebral index and adhesions of nerve root have statistical significances. Conclusion Multivariate a- nalysis shows that excessive traction of nerve, postoperative hematoma, larger tension of nerve root, intervertebral index t〉50% and adhesions of nerve root are risk factors of postoperative complication with drop foot. Well preoperative preparation and careful operation in patients with risk factors can reduce or prevent the incidence of drop foot due to Nerve injury.
Keywords:Lumbar dies herniation  Drop foot  Nerve injury  Logistic regression  Risk factors
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