Abstract: | An investigation on psychosocial problems wascarried out in 2 groups of children in Shanghai.Group l was composed of 643 children of 3 and 5years old selected randomly from two districts ofShanghai, and Group 2 0f 413 children aged 3 and5 years from an area in a district. Symptoms ofthe two age groups were identified separately. Symp-toms of 5 year olds which upset the parents ormight hamper the child's future personality development including disobedience, shouting, quarrelsome-ness, difficulty in separating from the mother, fearsand ovcrdependence occurred in more than 10To.Three-year-old symptoms included hitting others,shouting, aggressiveness, destructiveness, difficultyin separating from mother, quarrelsomeness and dis-obedience. There was a tendency for aggressivesymptoms and developmental immaturity to cluster.While the symptoms listed for 3-year olds persistedto the age of 5, there were significant decreases inoccurrence of aggressive symptoms, and significantincreases in nail-biting, tooth grinding and nosepicking at 5. When an excessive number of symptoms is used as a criterion of abnormality, thefrequeney was 6.4% and 6% in 3-years olds and 51year olds. |