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引用本文:张亚林,杨德森. 系统脱敏与冲击疗法治疗社交恐怖症的疗效比较[J]. 中国心理卫生杂志, 1988, 0(6)
作者姓名:张亚林  杨德森
摘    要:使用系统脱敏疗法和冲击疗法各治疗一组社交恐怖症,随访一年,两组疗效比较,治愈率系统脱敏组为30.7%,冲击组为26.6%。差异不显著(u-0.2397,p>0.05),而系统脱敏疗法循序渐进、病人乐意接受,冲击疗法,虽疗程较短,但患者心理似不易承受.

关 键 词:系统脱敏疗法  冲击疗法  社交恐怖症  疗效比较

Comparative study on systemative desensitization and flooding implosive therapies in the treatment of 28 patients with social phobia
Yalin Zhang et al. Comparative study on systemative desensitization and flooding implosive therapies in the treatment of 28 patients with social phobia[J]. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 1988, 0(6)
Authors:Yalin Zhang et al
Affiliation:Yalin Zhang et al
Abstract:Twenty eight outpatients diagnosed as social phobia were,randomly assigned to either the systematic desensitization therapy group(SDT)or theflooding implosive therapy group(FIT)in a comparative study on their out-come.The recovery rates at the end of one year follow-up were 30.7% for SDTand 26.6% for FIT respectively(u=0.2397,P>0.05).Although they showed asimilar outcome,patients of SDT reported a positive attitude towards SDT whilethose of FIT complained for FIT since it seems much more stressful for them.
Keywords:Systematic desensitization therapy  flooding implosive therapy  social phobia  stressor  
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