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Voice quality improvement after management of unilateral vocal cord paralysis with different techniques
Authors:A. Bihari  K. Mészáros  A. Reményi  G. Lichtenberger
Affiliation:(1) Department of ORL and Head and Neck Surgery, Szent Rókus Hospital and Institutions, Gyulai Pál u.2, 1085 Budapest, Hungary;(2) Department of Otorhinolaryngology, National Medical Center, Szabolcs u.35, 1135 Budapest, Hungary
The aim of this study was to objectively evaluate the voices of patients suffering from unilateral vocal cord paralysis, before and after endoscopic augmentation and thyroplasty. In the past, we used injectable Teflon to treat this condition; later techniques included collagen injection and Isshiki thyroplasty. In the last 7 years, preferred treatment methods have included Bioplastique injection and lipoaugmentation of the vocal cords as well as medialization thyroplasty using a titanium implant according to Friedrich. Pre- and postoperative data was evaluated and compared to 25 patients. Appropriate glottic closure of the vocal cords was achieved in every case, in most cases after the first intervention. We used voice range profile measurements to evaluate the results. An objective evaluation was performed using the Friedrich dysphonia index. Significant improvements were found: the dysphonia index decreased in every case, from an average of 2.47, preoperatively, to an average of 1.18 postoperatively. In agreement with earlier studies, voice pitch range was the only parameter that not significantly improved. There was no statistical difference between the lipoaugmentation and thyroplasty according to Friedrich. We concluded that both endoscopic methods and thyroplasty can be used to achieve an optimal result. Cases must be evaluated individually so that the best technique, or combination of methods can be determined.Presented at the 5th ELS Congress in Lisbon on 10-13 July 2004
Keywords:Unilateral vocal cord paralysis  Dysphonia index  Vocal cord augmentation  Thyroplasty
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