Elena Rojo,Begoña Peña,Maria Eugenia Muñoz,Anton Santamaría
Summary: A rheological characterization of poly(propylene)s (PP) of different tacticity, monomodal and bimodal molecular distribution and long chain branching (LCB), is presented. Loss factor δ plotted as a function of the complex modulus G* allows to discriminate syndiotactic from isotactic PPs, as well as syndiotactic monomodal from bimodal samples. However, using such rheological plots is not effective to investigate the broadness of the molecular weight distribution and other rheological techniques are proposed. Isotactic and syndiotactic PPs submitted to electro beam irradiation give rise to thermorheological complexity, associated to LCB. The degree of LCB is estimated using complex viscosity results. Syndiotactic poly(propylene)s are more prone to give long branches than isotactic samples.