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引用本文:陈伟,聂绍发,吴泰顺. 深圳市宝安区先天性畸形的前期监测研究[J]. 中国优生与遗传杂志, 2001, 9(5): 99-101
作者姓名:陈伟  聂绍发  吴泰顺
作者单位:1. 华中科技大学同济医学院流行病学教研室,430030
2. 深训市宝安区卫生防疫站,548101
摘    要:目的:为了解深圳市宝安区先天性畸形的发病情况和分布特征,为进一步研究提供线索和参考资料。方法:我们于1997年1月-1999年12月,对宝安区住院分娩的34613例围产儿进行了先天性畸形监测研究,对检出的269例畸形儿进行了流行病学分析。结果:宝安区先天性畸形的总发生率为77.72/万,常住和流动人口中先天性畸形的发生率分别为69.65/万、80.33/万。常住人口中先天性畸形发生率最高的镇为石岩(100.00/万);其次为观澜(93.21/万);最低的为光明(未监侧到)。先天性畸形的发生无性别差异,其中发病居前四位的畸形依次为:大腹儿,(Hb病),短肢或缺肢畸形,先天性脑积水,唇裂合并腭裂。结论:尽管宝安区先天性畸形的发生率比国内外报道的要低,但发生规律有自己的特点,应引起重视和进一步研究。

关 键 词:先天性畸形 监测研究 围产儿

The pre - period surveillance study of congenital abnormalities of Bao'an District in Shenzhen city
Cheng Wei,Nie Shaofa.. The pre - period surveillance study of congenital abnormalities of Bao'an District in Shenzhen city[J]. Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity, 2001, 9(5): 99-101
Authors:Cheng Wei  Nie Shaofa.
Abstract:Objective:To understand the incidence and distribution of congenital abnormalities of Baoan district in Shenzhen city.Method:34612 perinatals delivered in hospitals were surveillanced from Jan 1997 to Dec 1999.Result:The total incidence rate of congenital abnormalities in Baoan district were 77.72 per ten thousand.The town in which the incidence rate of congenital abnormalities was the highest in fixed population was ShiYe(100 per ten thousand),the second town was Guanlan,the lowest was Guangming(no case was detected).Conclusion:Although the incidence rate of congenital abnormalities was lower than that of being reported in the domestic and the overseas,it had its own special character,we should study it more deeply.
Keywords:Congenital abnormalities  Surveillance study  Perinatal
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