Abstract: | The announcement of the National Heart Attack Alert Program by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in June of 1991 prompted leaders of the Florida Chapter of the American College of Cardiology to develop a statewide program to reduce the morbidity and mortality from acute myocardial infarctions within Florida. It became apparent that the success of such a program would require the prompt institution of thrombolytic agents or other revascular-ization procedures in appropriate patients. No longer could the decision regarding institution of therapy await discussion by telephone and/or the arrival at the emergency department (ED) of the patient's primary care physician or cardiologist. Efforts to establish appropriate protocols for therapy revealed that many of the 25,000 or more physicians currently staffing the 5,600 or so EDs in this country were moonlighting residents or practitioners from a variety of specialties or subspe-cialties with limited or no formal EM training. Furthermore, it was learned that there were in the entire country only about 800 postgraduate, year-one Council for Graduate Medical Education accredited training positions. There were only 21 such training positions in the entire state of Florida. The reasons for these deficiencies are discussed and a challenge to correct this person power crisis is issued, not principally to the leadership of EM, but to the entire medical profession. |