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引用本文:王佳峰,张诠,魏茂文,杨安奎,赖非云,杨传盛. 143例舌体鳞状细胞癌年轻患者的预后因素[J]. 实用癌症杂志, 2009, 24(2): 175-179
作者姓名:王佳峰  张诠  魏茂文  杨安奎  赖非云  杨传盛
摘    要:目的探讨舌体鳞癌年轻患者的预后及其影响因素。方法回顾性分析143例45岁以下舌体鳞癌患者的临床资料,采用Kaplan-Meier法计算累积生存率,采用log-rank法比较各因素不同水平生存分布的差异,应用Cox比例风险模型进行多因素生存分析。结果全组5年累积生存率为62.2%,10年累积生存率为60.5%。单因素分析显示:有无浸润肌层、不同病理分级、T分级、N分级、TMN分期、原发灶有无行根治性手术治疗、有无颈部淋巴结清扫术的生存差异有统计学意义。多因素分析显示:T分级、N分级是影响预后的独立因素。结论T分级和N分级是45岁以下舌体鳞癌患者的独立预后因素,原发灶手术治疗、颈部淋巴结清扫彻底以及合理的综合治疗,可能改善舌体鳞癌年轻患者的预后。

关 键 词:舌肿瘤  鳞状细胞癌  年轻患者  预后

Prognostic Factors of 143 Young Patients with Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Affiliation:WANG Jia-feng, ZHANG Quan, WEI Mao-wen, et al. (State Key Laboratory of Oncology in Southern China, Department of Head and Neck, Cancer Center, San Yat-sen University, Guangzhou,510060)
Abstract:Objective To explore the prognostic factors of young patients with tongue squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Methods clinical data of 143 patients with tongue SCC under 45 years old were reviewed. Survival rates were calculated by Kaplan - Meier. Log - Rank method was used for comparision of the distribution of the different survival rates. Multivariate analysis was done by COX proportional hazard model. Results The 5 - year and 10 - year cumulative survival rates were 62.2% and 60.5% respectively. In univariate survival analysis ,lingualis infiltration ,pathological grade ,T stage, N stage ,TMN stage, curative resection of the primary lesion, neck dissection were relevant to the prognosis of young patients with tongue SCC. Muhivariate analysis showed that T and N stages were the independent prognostic factors. Conclusion T and N stages are the independent prognostic factors of young patients with tongue SCC. Curative resection of the primary and neck lesion and rational combined therapy may improve the prognosis.
Keywords:Tongue neoplasms  Squamous cell carcinoma  Young patients  Prognostic factors
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