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Composite tissue (limb) allografts in rats. III. Development of donor-host lymphoid chimeras in long-term survivors
Authors:C W Hewitt  K S Black  S F Dowdy  G A Gonzalez  B M Achauer  D C Martin  D W Furnas  E B Howard
Eight LEW rat recipients possessing long-term-surviving (206-701 days) LBN vascularized hind limb allografts (CTAs) were tested for donor-host lymphoid chimerism. The recipients received various cyclosporine (CsA) treatment protocols in order to induce indefinite CTA acceptance. Histological examination of long-term-surviving CTAs demonstrated normal-appearing bone marrow in the donor limb. Lymphocytes isolated from host hemopoietic tissues (peripheral blood and/or spleen) by ficoll-hypaque density gradient centrifugation were tested against LEW-anti-BN antisera. Comparisons were made to standard curves employing various known concentrations of LBN and LEW cell combinations. The level of lymphocyte agglutination (dependent variable) showed a significant (P less than 0.025-0.005) linear relationship to the concentration of LBN donor cells (independent variable) present. Lymphocyte suspensions isolated from long-term CTA host peripheral blood and/or spleen showed a mean of 19.7% (+/- 9.7-95% confidence interval) donor LBN mononuclear cells present. Thus, it appeared that lymphoid cells originated from, and/or were released from LBN donor bone marrow into the circulation, resulting in chimeric repopulation of hemopoietic tissues. The presence of donor immunocytes in these limb allograft recipients may have been beneficial, and thus could have helped contribute to the long-term CTA survival observed.
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