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Comparative responses to mode of oral administration and dose of ochratoxin A or nephrotoxic extract of Penicillium polonicum in rats
Authors:Ana Miljkovic   Annie Pfohl-Leszkowicz   Miloslav Dobrota  Peter G. Mantle  
Affiliation:Biochemistry Department, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK.
Administration of Penicillium polonicum extract to male Sprague-Dawley rats (200 g), either mixed in feed or given daily by gavage, for 5 days, had no clinical effects. However, at necropsy on day 6 marked histopathological changes occurred in renal tubule epithelia, including mitotic figures, karyomegalic nuclei, and frequent apoptosis identified specifically by TUNEL methodology and confocal microscopy. Ochratoxin A given similarly to rats (daily, 1 mg or 0.2 mg) was also clinically asymptomatic except for the 1 mg dose given by gavage; rats in this group lost weight. Marked renal tubular necrosis, though even without any significant accompanying apoptosis, was evident only at this higher dose by gavage; it was associated also with the highest incidence of renal DNA adducts and a disproportionately high concentration of ochratoxin A in plasma on day 6. Significantly fewer renal DNA adducts were detected in rats given 1 mg ochratoxin A in feed. The study demonstrates the potential for exaggerated toxicological responses to ochratoxin A administered by gavage through predicted consequential surges in the circulating concentration of the mycotoxin.
Keywords:Ochratoxin A   Penicillium polonicum   mycotoxin   nephropathy   apoptosis   DNA adducts   rats
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