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引用本文:李兵仓,刘鲁岳,陈志强,许川,凌峰,杨志焕,刘江,孙忠良,阎伟东,谷春广,徐国鑫,孙伟. 高能战斗部致绵羊胸部伤的实验研究[J]. 中华创伤杂志, 2000, 16(8)
作者姓名:李兵仓  刘鲁岳  陈志强  许川  凌峰  杨志焕  刘江  孙忠良  阎伟东  谷春广  徐国鑫  孙伟
作者单位:1. 重庆,第三军医大学附属大坪医院野战外科研究所,630042
2. 中国白城兵器试验中心第一○八信箱
基金项目:全军“九五”指令性课题!资助项目 (96L0 39)
摘    要:目的 研究高能战斗部 (HEF)致胸部伤特点和规律 ,为胸部爆炸伤的救治提供原则和依据。 方法 用电启动的方式引爆HEF ,将 45只绵羊布放于距爆心 30~ 2 40m处 ,致伤时测量冲击波超压和破片速度 ,致伤后进行病理解剖观察。 结果 胸部破片伤的发生率为 6 7% (30 /45 ) ,伤后即刻死亡率为 73% ;损伤类型以盲管伤和贯通伤为主 ,分别为 5 7%和 31% ;在 30只有胸部破片伤的动物中 ,肺冲击伤、肋骨骨折、大量胸腔积血 (>10 0 0ml)及胸腹联合伤的发生率分别为80 %、33%、2 7%和 33% ,心脏被直接击中的概率为 33 %。 结论 破片击中胸部的概率高 ,胸壁穿透伤多 ,伤情严重 ,伤后多迅速死亡。胸部严重毁损、心脏破片伤、多脏器受损以及快速失血是其主要死亡原因。

关 键 词:胸部损伤  爆震伤  复合伤

Experimental study of thoracic trauma by high energy fighter in sheep
LI Bingcang,LIU Luyue,CHEN Zhiqiang,et al.. Experimental study of thoracic trauma by high energy fighter in sheep[J]. Chinese Journal of Traumatology, 2000, 16(8)
Authors:LI Bingcang  LIU Luyue  CHEN Zhiqiang  et al.
Affiliation:LI Bingcang,LIU Luyue,CHEN Zhiqiang,et al. Daping Hospital/Research Institute of Surgery,The Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400042,China
Abstract:Objective In order to provide the principle and basis for treating explosive thoracic injuries, the characteristics and law of thoracic trauma caused by high energy fighter (HEF) were studied. Methods Forty-five sheep were fixed at the place 30 m-240 m away from the explosive center and HEF was electrically exploded. At the same time, the velocity of fragments and shock wave pressure were determined. Pathologico-anatomic observation was done after trauma. Results Of the 45 sheep, 30 (67%) were traumatized in the thorax by the fragments, and 73% of them died immediately. The blind wound and penetrating wound were major injury type, accounting for 57% and 31% separately. Among the animals with thoracic injury caused by fragments, the incidence of lung shock injury, serious rib fracture, thoracic cavity bleeding (> 1 000 ml) and thoracic and abdominal injuries was 80%, 33%, 26.7% and 33% respectively. The direct heart injury was 33%. Conclusions The rate of thorax hit by fragments is high, and penetrating wounds in the thoracic wall are common and serious. Most animals die immediately after trauma. Serious thoracic defect, fragment injury to the heart, multi- organ injuries and fast bleeding are the major cause of death.
Keywords:Thorax  Blast injuries  Combined injuries
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