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Pain, physical performance and balance in the elderly at hospital
Authors:  lya Yü  cel,Hü  lya Kay?han
Affiliation:Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, 06100 Samanpazari, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract:This study was aimed to determine the pain, physical performance and balance conditions of the elderly hospitalized in university hospital geriatric wards. The reasons for hospitalization and co-morbid diseases were recorded. Severity of pain was assessed on a visual analogue scale. Activity independence ability was tested by physical performance test (PPT). Tinetti balance and gait evaluation scale (GES) were used to assess balance. Fifty patients (54%) had reported any kind of pain. Mean score for PPT was 13.32 ± 6.56 and for Tinetti test was 9.76 ± 3.8. The correlation between pain, physical performance and balance for 93 patients, 65 years and above was analyzed and not found statistically significant. We believe that pain can affect physical performance and balance. Therefore, it should be carefully evaluated in every elderly patient. Further studies are necessary to investigate the relationship between pain, physical performance and balance of elderly hospitalized patients.
Keywords:Pain in elderly   Balance functions   Physical performance   Geriatric assessment
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