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引用本文:张惠实,肖水源. 住院精神分裂症患者的自杀行为[J]. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2002, 16(4): 260-262
作者姓名:张惠实  肖水源
作者单位:1. 武汉市精神病院,430022
2. 中南大学湘雅医学院,410011
摘    要:
目的 :了解精神分裂症患者自杀意念和自杀未遂的发生率及特征。方法 :通过自编自杀行为调查表对 177例连续入院的精神分裂症患者的自杀行为进行研究。结果 :自杀意念发生率为 47 46% (84例 ) ,已往出现过且目前也存在自杀意念者为 3 0 95 % ,仅目前存在或仅既往出现者分别为 2 6 19%和42 86% ;自杀意念短暂出现者为 9 2 9% ,持续一周者为 5 0 0 0 % ,持续两周以上者为 10 71% ;自杀意念严重者为 3 1 67% ;11 91%有自杀意念的患者对自杀意念能控制 ,9 5 2 %的患者不能控制 ,78 5 7%的患者表示不确定。自杀未遂的发生率为 15 82 % (2 8例 ) ,其中 1次者占 64 2 8% ,2次者占 17 86% ,3次及 3次以上者占 17 86%。 77 78%自杀未遂发生在发病期 ;自杀方式多为服用精神科药物 (4 4 44 % ) ;发生地点多在家中 (86 67% ) ;实施自杀未遂行为前 ,71 11%患者明确表达或暗示过其自杀意图 ;60 %患者未作过准备 ,准备不充分者为 3 7 78% ,仅 2 2 2 %的患者有充分准备 ;15 5 6%患者留有遗言。结论 :自杀意念是导致精神分裂症患者死亡的主要因素之一 ,临床工作中应提高警惕 ,及时干预

关 键 词:精神分裂症  自杀意念  自杀未遂

Suicide Behaviors of Inpatients with Schizophrenia
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and features of suicide behavior of schizophrenic inpatients Method:177 consecutive inpatients with schizophrenia were investigated with self-made inventory Results: 84 had suicide ideas (47 5%), among them 22 had before, 36 had when investigated, the other 26 both before and when investigated Eight of them had transient suicide ideas (duration less than 1 week), 42 had that for 1 week or so, 9 had that for more than 2 weeks 28 (16%) had attempted suicide, 18 had once, 5 had twice, and the other 5 had three times or more Twenty-four of the attemptors had that at home, 22 had that during schizophrenic episode, 12 had that through overdose of antipsychotics Twenty of them had expressed the intention of suicide 17 had no preparation, only 1 had fully preparation Conclusion: Schizophrenics are at high risk of suicide, but most of them have given alarm before the attempt schizophrenia
Keywords:suicide idea attempted suicide
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