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引用本文:牟笛,苏潇哥,李培龙,赵宏婷,李志丽,张慕丽,郑建东,程颖,崔颖,孙成玺,李中杰. 新型冠状病毒肺炎防控知识大众知晓情况调查分析[J]. 实用预防医学, 2021, 28(9): 1030-1034. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-3110.2021.09.002
作者姓名:牟笛  苏潇哥  李培龙  赵宏婷  李志丽  张慕丽  郑建东  程颖  崔颖  孙成玺  李中杰
作者单位:1.中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处,传染病监测预警中国疾病预防控制中心重点实验室,北京 102206; 2.中国疾病预防控制中心健康传播中心,北京 102206; 3.中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心,北京 102206; 4.山东省疾病预防控制中心,山东 济南 250014
摘    要:
目的通过开展线上问卷调查,了解公众对新型冠状病毒肺炎重要防控知识的知晓情况,以更好地开展后续宣传教育工作。方法使用问卷星生成问卷,并通过中国疾病预防控制中心官方微信公众号发布,应用SPSS 18.0软件进行数据分析。采用χ^(2)检验或Fisher确切概率法进行分类资料样本间率的比较,采用logistic多因素进行二元回归分析。结果本次网络调查共收集有效应答问卷7011份,大众对新冠肺炎两个主要传播途径(呼吸道飞沫传播和接触传播)的认知率分别为99.7%和97.5%。不同年龄、职业在新冠肺炎基本特征、疾病严重程度的认知存在显著性差异。农民、务工人员和学生对传播途径和疾病主要特征的正确认知率均较低,18~29岁人群对"儿童症状较轻"的认知率最低(62.7%)。73.3%的调查对象认为新冠肺炎"较重"或"很重",年轻、文化水平较高人群及医务人员中,认为新冠肺炎严重的比例低于年老或受教育程度低者。结论大众普遍正确掌握新冠肺炎主要传播途径;不同年龄、职业的社会大众对新冠肺炎防控知识的认知存在显著性差异,这种差异会影响对新冠肺炎严重程度的判断。本次针对新冠肺炎的主动宣教效果显著,但除重视传统传播渠道外,应结合新媒体、标语等多种途径,对不同社交活跃程度的人群开展针对性宣传,以提高宣传效果,落实精准防控。

关 键 词:新冠肺炎  公众宣教  个人防护

Awareness of knowledge about COVID-19 prevention and control among the general public
MOU Di,SU Xiao-ge,LI Pei-long,ZHAO Hong-ting,LI Zhi-li,ZHANG Mu-li,ZHENG Jian-dong,CHENG Ying,CUI Ying,SUN Cheng-xi,LI Zhong-jie. Awareness of knowledge about COVID-19 prevention and control among the general public[J]. Practical Preventive Medicine, 2021, 28(9): 1030-1034. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-3110.2021.09.002
Authors:MOU Di  SU Xiao-ge  LI Pei-long  ZHAO Hong-ting  LI Zhi-li  ZHANG Mu-li  ZHENG Jian-dong  CHENG Ying  CUI Ying  SUN Cheng-xi  LI Zhong-jie
Objective To understand the awareness of important knowledge about COVID-19 prevention and control among the general public through the online questionnaire survey so as to better carry out the follow-up publicity and education work. Methods The questionnaire was generated by Wenjuanxing APP and released by the WeChat official account of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention. SPSS18.0 software was used for data analysis. The Chi-square test or Fisher's exact probability method was used to compare the rates among samples of classified data. Multivariate binary logistic regression was used to analyze all significant variables. Results A total of 7,011 valid questionnaires were collected. The general public’s cognition rates of two main routes of transmission (including respiratory droplet and direct contact transmission) were 99.7% and 97.5%, respectively. There werestatistically significant differences in the cognition about basic characteristics of COVID-19 and severity of the diseaseamong different occupations and ages. The correct cognition rates of transmission routes and main characteristics of COVID-19 in farmers, migrant workers and students were all lower, and the rate of cognition about children presenting milder symptoms of the disease was found to be the lowest (62.7%) in the age group of 18-29 years. 73.3% of the surveyed subjects thought that COVID-19 was serious or very severe. The proportion of cognition about COVID-19 was serious was lower in young people with higher educational level and medical professionals than in the elderly or people with lower educational level. Conclusion The main transmission routes of COVID-19 are widely understood by the general public. People of different ages and varying occupations show significant differences in knowledge about COVID-19 prevention and control, and these differences can influence the judgment of severity of COVID-19. This initiative publicity and education targeted on COVID-19 is significantly effective, but it is necessary to combine with new media, slogans and other ways besides traditional transmission channels to conduct targeted publicity and education among people with different levels of social activity so as to improve the effect of propaganda and education and implement precise preventive measures.
Keywords:COVID-19  public publicity and education  personal protection  
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