Abstract: | I am convinced of merits of physiotherapy used in European Clinics.I am well satisfied with the apparatus for the physical treatment of disease in my own office.I use ultraviolet light, radiant light, baking, sinusoidal current, also x-ray, radium, massage and heat, each application having its own particular field.I do not use hydrotherapy, though I believe it to be of great value.A correct diagnosis must first be made in order to select the proper physical measure of treatment.The treatment must be prolonged and consistent. It will shorten the period of disability in practically all cases following accidents and injuries.Physical therapeutic measures must. not be blindly applied. At least a general if not a detailed knowledge of their effects must be possessed.They are of great value and will increasingly become more used in the treatment of fractures, of abdominal adhesions, chronic pelvic inflammation, proliferative cars tissue, and in general infections, both acute and chronic. |