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Fertilization and early embryology: Microsurgical correction of partially degenerate mouse embryos promotes hatching and restores their viability
Authors:Alikani, Mina   Olivennes, Francois   Cohen, Jacques
Affiliation:1The Gamete and Embryo Research Laboratory, Cornell University Medical Center New York, NY 10021, USA 2Hôpital A.Beclère 178 Rue de la Porte Trivaux, 92 Clamart, France
We have evaluated the effects of degeneration of blastomereson the developmental fate of mouse embryos. Micro-manipulationtechniques were used first to destroy one or two blastomeresof a 4-cell embryo (thereby creating three-quarter and halfembryos), and later to repair the anomaly by removing the degeneratematerial. The embryos were either cultured in protein-free orprotein-supplemented medium. When cultured in protein-supplementedmedium, three-quarter embryos hatched at the same rate as intactembryos (84 and 91%, respectively), but this rate was reduced(54%; 67/125) when the embryos were cultured in a protein-freeenvironment. Destruction of two blastomeres of a 4-cell embryoand culture in protein-free medium was detrimental, as only3.2% (4/124) hatched. By supplementing the culture medium withprotein, some of these half embryos were rescued, as shown bya 34% (32/95) hatching rate. A more dramatic increase in hatchingwas achieved, however, after repair of the half embryos by microsurgicalremoval of the degenerate material. In this case, 72% (78/109)of the repaired embryos were able to hatch. These findings mayhave implications for human in-vitro fertilization where partialembryonic degeneration or fragmentation often leads to embryonicdemise and reduced implantation. Moreover, these observationsmay provide important clues to mechanisms of mammalian embryonichatching.
Keywords:blastomere/degeneration/hatching/in-vitro fertilization/micromanipulation
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